JTV Program
Whether it’s on-site, our site, or off-site; our tool vending solutions are easy and hassle-free. Your orders are repeatable and ready for you to reduce costs without exclusivity.
Carbide Recycling
This program allows you to use our carbide buyback applied towards your tool orders creating valuable tool room savings.
Short Run Manufacturing
Whether it’s on-site, our site, or off-site; our tool vending solutions are easy and hassle-free. Your orders are repeatable and ready for you to reduce costs without exclusivity.
Vertical Integration
Machining, Grinding, Polishing, Heat Treating, and more to improve your finished product delivery.
Tool Part Spec
From basic time-consuming setups to the most advanced components, our engineers can design and deliver a complete finished progressive multifunction tool package

CNC Machining and Surface Grinding Services
Whether it’s on-site, our site, or off-site; our tool vending solutions are easy and hassle-free. Your orders are repeatable and ready for you to reduce costs without exclusivity.